Barcelona Song (by Ma San)
When I think about Barcelona I think about all the people I shared my life with while living in this wonderful place. A moment means much more if you are able to share it with someone else. This is for you, my friends, wherever you are, and for you, Barcelona, my love.
I remember you and me, in the train to the sea
You next to me, in pairs it’s always better
We had wine in the waves, played guitar at the bay
Watched the fisherman, so far apart
Got amazed, just by watching the stars
It’s good to be free, so good to see
Barcelona, you’re a part of me
It’s meant to be, this city and me
he yellow sun, and me on the run
Good to be free, so good to see
Barcelona, you’re a part of me
We got high just from living, just got drunk of the day
Listend to drums in the park
Saw Michael Jackson dancing in the boulevard
We saw montains and the sea, at the same time we stood in between
Rode the carousell in the sky, and gazed at thousands and thousands of lights
It’s good to be free, so good to see
Barcelona, you’re a part of me
It’s meant to be, this city and me
he yellow sun, and me on the run
Good to be free, so good to see
Barcelona, you’re a part of me
We got lost in the barrio, endet up as black sheeps
Watched the artists in the streets
We wanted to be artists, in the streets
We had red, sweet champaign, at the most crowdest place on earth
And at la placa del sol we said hello to the night, hello night
It’s good to be free, so good to see
Barcelona, you’re a part of me
It’s meant to be, this city and me
he yellow sun, and me on the run
Good to be free, so good to see
Barcelona, you’re a part of me
Written, composed and recorded with love and passion by Martin Seibel (Ma San)
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